The issue with using RGB characters is even though they were based on actual myths and legends the can't take the cartoon version and drop it in the film without having to pay rights to the writers who came up with those characterisations, at least thats my understanding.Well, I think there's a general approval of it being like the cartoon. I don't think it needs to actually recreate something from the cartoon. This one felt like the cartoon and didn't borrow its baddie, so why would the next one?
An example is Tom Paris in Star Trek Voyager.
He was meant to be Nick Lorcano, but was discovered that every time the character appeared they'd need to pay the writers who came up with him hence the name change.
It could be the same here. I'm not saying it is, but it could be.
Statistics: Posted by tylergfoster — April 6th, 2024, 11:33 pm