Fast forward to Frozen Empire's HASP packs. The design is.... odd. What were clearly meant to be makeshift repairs on the Spengler pack in Afterlife are now present on every brand new pack produced with Zeddemore's funds. But.... why? In universe, surely the Engineering division at the PRC would have come up with a solution to the exposed grounding wires, the electrical tape wrapped around connections on the pneumatic fittings, the frankensteined gas mask hose/rubber hose/wire loom connection from the pack to the thrower, etc.I agree on the cobbled bits making it over to FE. Zedd Ind could afford at least proper heat shrink, modernized wire loom and shielding, grounding blocks, terminals, etc. Using 1983 era resistors would seem a bit off too, feels they would be ordering bulk via a company not scrounging milsurp and would see modern variants on the pack. Really the same with hardware one would think and the bellows. I get there is some recognition factor with using older stuff...but it does feel a bit lazy from the prop team (and strangely looking at images on GB Reference Library, these "new packs" have odd random weathering on them).
As for the cobbled Spengler pack, using IRL/head canon...if Egon sourced the obscure parts to build portable mini packs for the Gozer well and engineer them, and sourced that 12" run of flexo pet (yellow wire wrap)...I would think he would have sourced proper supplies or had them considering he had a full on lab under a barn. Tubing, heat shrink, proper wire vs what looks thrown together and cut out of buildings like a crack head stealing copper. I mean we are talking about the man who very calmly stood up and straightened his tie before sliding down the pole their first call...suddenly he is half his personal proton pack while simultaneously fabricating 4 mini proton packs and neutrona wands it kinda irks me.
But on the surface I still enjoy em. I do like the original GB bellows, socket headed bolts, ribbon cable better vs the 89 updates and I do kinda prefer the grey crank knob.
Statistics: Posted by GBDave904 — September 13th, 2024, 8:26 pm