I found an old light and sound kit that I thought I’d lost years ago.
It’s from 2014. It’s missing the toggle switches and momentary push button for the neutrona wand , and I want to order new ones off Amazon because I can’t find the switches sold separately in the GBFans store.
Does anyone know the sizes of the toggle switches and the push button? I want to use this kit with the Q-Pack and wand I’m building.
It’s from 2014. It’s missing the toggle switches and momentary push button for the neutrona wand , and I want to order new ones off Amazon because I can’t find the switches sold separately in the GBFans store.
Does anyone know the sizes of the toggle switches and the push button? I want to use this kit with the Q-Pack and wand I’m building.
Statistics: Posted by Lookedatthetrap — August 23rd, 2024, 6:30 pm