I hope you had reached out to us on etsy since we are very responsive or even on social media. I am a little late on this but some people have found using a Mono aux cable fixed their issue. I know in my personal system I used stereo but ultimately upgraded to ninja tunes because I did not want to mess up my EOM board using keep a lives.
The other issue people were seeing were ground issues where there was buzzing and distortion. Eventually getting a ground loop isolator in the line.
I do hope you ultimately got this fixed and we were able to help via the shop.
I hope you had reached out to us on etsy since we are very responsive or even on social media. I am a little late on this but some people have found using a Mono aux cable fixed their issue. I know in my personal system I used stereo but ultimately upgraded to ninja tunes because I did not want to mess up my EOM board using keep a lives.
The other issue people were seeing were ground issues where there was buzzing and distortion. Eventually getting a ground loop isolator in the line.
I do hope you ultimately got this fixed and we were able to help via the shop.
Statistics: Posted by drew v — June 5th, 2024, 2:19 am